Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you guys what got me through dialysis. This video is going to be simple, quick, and easy, and it's going to go straight to the point with you guys. I want to let you guys know what helped me through my time on dialysis and basically all my trials and tribulations. So, if you guys are interested, then keep on watching. But before we continue, I want to quickly introduce myself. I know my channel is growing rapidly and a ton of you guys probably are new to this channel. So, I am Sydney Flores, a 23-year-old girl who decided to document my kidney transplant journey and some of my time on dialysis, and just share that with you guys and my journey to health and wellness. So, if you guys are new, consider subscribing. So, I started dialysis back in 2014 when I was only 18 years old. I was pregnant and feeling at my all-time low in life. Imagine, I was 18 years old, pregnant, and my kidneys had failed. I didn't think that I had to do emergency dialysis. So, anybody in that situation would obviously feel like it's the end of the world, and that's how I felt. I felt like it was the lowest point in my life. I felt so sad, depressed, tired - physically, mentally, spiritually. All around, I was just feeling distraught and so alone. During that time, it could have been worse. It could have gotten really bad and gloomy. But thank God it did not, for the simple fact that I put my trust and my process in the Lord. I was going through this time where I felt so far away from God. I truly felt away from God....
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Esrd accreditation Form: What You Should Know
End Stage Renal Disease Facility (ESD) Certification Program Federal Register :: Medicare and Medicaid Programs Oct 11, 2025 — End Stage Renal Disease Facilities Accreditation Guidelines for End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Centers Federal Register :: Medicare and Medicaid Programs Federal Register :: Medicare and Medicaid Programs June 18, 2025 — CDC and the End Stage Renal Disease Patient Resource Center (CRC) Submit a report to both HHS and HHS-OIG outlining how both entities can coordinate across the health care system to enable more effective care for beneficiaries with end stage renal disease (ESD) who are eligible for both the Medicare and Medicaid Benefit Programs and who do not have access to private dialysis care. (See attached document.) (See attached document.) (See attached document.) (See attached document.) June 21, 2025 — HHS-OIG to HHS-OIG: Evaluation of HHS-OIG's implementation of the End Stage Renal Disease Patient Resource Center (CRC) (See attached document.) (See attached document.) (See attached document.) July 19, 2025 — HHS-OIG to HHS-OIG: Evaluation of HHS-OIG's implementation of the End Stage Renal Disease Patient Resource Center's (CRC) End Stage Renal Disease Program (ESP) (See attached document.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Esrd accreditation