Hello everyone, welcome to today's live broadcast. We are here to discuss the proposed rule for the Medicare clinical diagnostic laboratory test payment system. I am Judy O'Rourke from Lab Roots and I will be your moderator for today's event. We are delighted to bring you this educational web seminar presented by Labyrinth. For more information, please visit labroots.com. Before we begin, there are a few important announcements. This webcast is designed to be interactive, so we encourage you to ask questions during the event. You can submit your questions by typing them in the Q&A section, which can be found by clicking on the green Q&A button at the lower left of the presentation window. We will try our best to answer as many questions as possible. If you are having technical difficulties viewing or hearing this presentation, please click on the support button at the top right of your presentation window or submit your problem through the green Q&A button at the lower left. Now, let me introduce today's speaker, Jerry Stringham, president of Medical Technology Partners. Jerry has been working as a reimbursement strategy consultant since the 1980s and has extensive experience in the healthcare reimbursement system. He holds a BS in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Jerry has been part of five medical device startup organizations and has grown Medical Technology Partners' client list to over 150 clients. His expertise in industry brings valuable insights into new technology reimbursement challenges. I will now turn it over to Jerry for his presentation. Hello everybody, thank you for joining me today. I will be discussing the perspectives on changing reimbursement in the laboratory system. We are currently facing one of the most significant moments for payment for laboratory developed tests. In the...
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