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Cms esrd manual Form: What You Should Know

Page 973. CPT Codes: 439. 5 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Agency — CMS;  Forms for Dental and Osteopathic Services. MA Form CMS-2422-C3 (2018). CPT Codes: 393. Medicare Beneficiaries with Medicare Supplemental Security Income may be entitled to claim a Medicare drug or device. 6 The ESD Program.  The Department of Health and Human Services has initiated the End Stage Renal Disease (ESD) Program (Title IV, Subtitle C, Part A, Title XVII, Subtitle A, CMS) to provide the necessary support to care providers who are providing end stage renal disease (ESD) care to Medicaid beneficiaries who are disabled or older. This process may include payments, patient-generated services, or other forms of assistance; and/or payment for care provider services provided in accordance with approved, specified protocols. In 2025 the ESD Program was completed. The first Medicare payments began for 2018. The ESD Program had been established by Congress in 1990, with the National Renal Disease Network, the Public Health Service and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Congress created the program to coordinate and maximize resources to assist end stage renal disease (ESD) and the related medical and psychological needs of Medicaid beneficiaries with disabilities who require long-term, intensive dialysis (LTD) (e.g., those with end stage renal disease who have end stage renal disease-related illnesses, who lack Medicare-prescribed dialysis and/or end-stage renal disease medications). 7 The federal ESD program was created to serve low-income, medically needy patients whose Medicare drug and device coverage lapses due to their receipt of treatment at an approved ESD provider, if they are enrolled in Medicaid. 8 As a result of the ESD program, end stage kidney disease patients may receive dialysis at an independent ESD institution, an out-of-network outpatient dialysis facility, and with respect to Medicare beneficiaries at an in-network hospital outpatient dialysis facility. The ESD Program is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. However, the program has been administered through contracts with 13 independent contractor providers since January 1, 2009. The ESD provider network consists of dialysis facilities and other facilities that have a Medicare-payable percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who also receive Medicare supplemental insurance.

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